ALCC Participant Portal: Stream 1 (October 2024)
Welcome to the participant portal for Advanced Leadership for Community Chairs.
Please click the buttons below to access different areas of this site.
Zoom links
Passcode for all recordings is: Chairs24!
Session 1: Visionary leadership - ensuring your vision and purpose are at the centre of governance
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Session 2: Backstage and front of house: using both to make good decisions
Monday, 28 October 2024
Session pre-reading
Compact course
We have created a compact course Leadership for Community Chairs. This course has a sharp focus on the role of the Chair at an introductory level. Participants get access to this course as a part of this program, free of charge (normally $72). Simply use the code ALCC on sign up. Click the button below and follow the prompts to access the course. Don't forget to use your discount code!
LinkedIn group
We have set up a closed LinkedIn group for all participants of this program. The LinkedIn group is a place for you to keep in touch with other participants from your group, and other community Chairs who have been through the program.
Recordings and slides
Not available yet, session takes place on Tuesday, 3 December 2024