Diploma powering a new generation of leaders like Yasmine Poole
Posted on 18 Aug 2021
Yasmin Poole, 22, is part of the next generation of not-for-profit leaders studying with the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA) to equip themselves for better governance.
As the Martin Luther King Jr Center's global Youth Influencer of the Year, board director of Oz Harvest and the YWCA, Plan International Australia ambassador and World Bank consultant, Ms Poole is already having a big impact as a youth activist and says the diploma is helping her achieve her mission for change.
In late 2021, she was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship and was set to add to her diploma at Oxford University to study intersectional gender equality policy.
"As a 22-year-old board director, I knew that if I wanted to represent young people well, I had to know my stuff. I'm really glad that I decided to take on a Diploma of Governance. I've valued how it encourages us to apply the principles we learn to real scenarios that we deal with on boards."
She said the qualification showed students "how to make the best impact on a board level – including knowing the ins and outs of complex topics, like finance".
She hoped to demonstrate by her own example on boards that "young women, through their lived experience, open-mindedness and vision, are powerful catalysts for change".
You too can boost to your studies with part-scholarships that slice $1,000 from the cost of your qualification, and target under-represented groups in the sector.
READ MORE: Learn more about the Diploma of Governance | About our scholarships