Watch the Not-for-profit Agenda for expert analysis of how the Budget affects your organisation

Posted on 24 Apr 2024

By Staff writers

Matt Greg NFP Agenda April2024
Greg Thom (left), editor of the Community Advocate, and Matthew Schulz, editor of Community Directors Intelligence. Picture: Annabel Rattigan

UPDATED: The nation’s top not-for-profit thinkers have summed up the big challenges for the sector in a jam-packed news webcast from the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA).

Thanks to everyone who dialled in to the inaugural Not-for-profit Agenda news webcast. For those who couldn't attend, you can still catch a replay of the first edition, which gave the sector’s not-for-profit leaders a preview of what’s expected from the federal budget, expert advice on influencing the decision makers, and, as the program’s name suggests, a taste of the issues being discussed around board tables nationally.

Guests included:

  • Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie
  • Per Capita executive director Emma Dawson
  • Mission Australia executive Marion Bennett
  • University of Western Australia (UWA)'s NFP finance professor David Gilchrist
  • Mental Health Coordinating Council CEO Dr Evelyne Tadros
  • Federal Senator Raff Ciccone (an ICDA graduate), on dealing with politicians
  • Aon senior NFP client manager Derek Turner, on insurance trends
  • ICDA training lead Nina Laitala, summarising the issues that are front of mind for the thousands of NFP leaders, staff and volunteers ICDA works with.

The audience consisted of a who’s who of the sector, with ICDA members joining peak body representatives, service delivery groups, advocacy organisations, foundations, associations,public servants, government media and political types, a former ACNC assistant commissioner, health groups of every kind, community radio voices, land managers, animal advocates, fundraisers, international aid organisations, theatre troupes, housing, homelessness and disability groups, justice support agencies, and councils of social services from multiple states.

The Not-for-profit Agenda is a quarterly webinar update for busy not-for-profit leaders and is hosted by senior members of ICDA’s media team: Community Directors Intelligence editor Matthew Schulz and Community Advocate editor Greg Thom.

Mr Schulz, who produced the show, said he hoped that the webcast would reach a new audience of leaders as part of ICDA’s mission to educate, inform and inspire community sector leaders.

“At ICDA, we know that directors, managers and other not-for-profit leaders are busy. Directors are often volunteers yet they're expected to be on top of the big issues affecting the sector. Managers are expected to steer their organisations through a fast-growing field of challenges, and for emerging leaders, getting a handle on this complex arena can be daunting.”

Planning has begun for the next episode, which is expected to explain – among other things – to explain the impact of a series of major reviews and reports into the sector, such as the Productivity Commission's report into Philanthropy, the NFP Sector Development Blueprint and the Department of Social Security’s study of community sector funding.

Future editions will continue to address:

  • sector politics, regulations and budgets
  • emerging trends in artificial intelligence, technology, data and cybersecurity
  • finances, fundraising and grants
  • new research and insights.

If you want to get ahead of the curve, this free regular one-hour webinar is a must.

Watch the replay and tell us what you think at: [email protected].

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