Trusted sources to help not-for-profits cope with COVID-19

Here you’ll find curated resources for not-for-profits and community groups affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Those resources comprise information to help guide your immediate response, recovery and long-term survival.
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AGMs | Govt help | Cybersecurity | #GivingTuesdayNow | CommBank economic update
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Our Community
Subscribe to Our Community's free email news alerts and we'll send you major #SaveOurSector campaign updates and resources as they become available. Subscribe here.
Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA)
Best-practice governance network providing training, resources and help for not-for-profit leaders, including community directors and staff. ICDA hosts the Save Our Sector resource page
The Funding Centre
Searchable database of grants targeting not-for-profits
COVID-19 focus: Funding assistance for NFPs (regularly updated)
Low-fee online donations and CrowdRaiser platform
Start a campaign: COVID-19 campaigns live now | Donors’ giving strategies
Our Community, a social enterprise and certified B Corporation, is working with a growing number of trusted companies which have shown a strong and ongoing commitment to the welfare of not-for-profits across Australia. Our Community will continue to lean on those partners to generate new resources for the Save Our Sector campaign.
The community sector super fund supports a suite of human resources guides, and has advice about COVID-19 related superannuation decisions.
What does it mean for my super? | webinar series on super
Commonwealth Bank
CommBank continues to update its financial and general advice for customers. Customers of other financial institutions should visit the relevant website for information about how their institution is responding.
Coronavirus info | FAQs | loans for community groups | defer loans | PDF guide
With over 30 years of experience in servicing the NFP sector, Aon has a dedicated team to help with insurance and claims linked to the coronavirus response.
Supporting employees | impact on trade | response guidance (global) | webinar
Equity Trustees
One of Australia’s biggest brokers of philanthropy, distributing more than $124 million in grants annually across 650 funds at last count.
News and response
Our Community's legal partner is helping produce guidance, policies and help sheets.
Employer response pack | virtual meetings | assocs and insolvency | school boards
More useful webinars, most on demand
- Managing termination and redundancy
- Diversify your funding with the seven pillars
- Engaging with funders during a crisis
- Managing your return to the workplace
- BDO on government help for NFPs
- JobKeeper info for NFPs and charities (Prof David Gilchrist courtesy the Council of Social Services (COSS) groups)
- Governance trainer Lisa Jennings on AGMs in a time of social isolation
- Justice Connect on key legal issues for volunteer managers
- Moores on maintaining a child-safe environment (schools focus) during the pandemic
- CommBank on the economic impact of COVID-19 | Economic update II
- HESTA on superannuation
- Aon on protecting people and operations | Workplace changes in Aus/NZ (+ PDF report)
- Flatten the mental health curve (Prevention United)
Government resources
Federal Government main page
Regularly updated with news, updates and advice from many government agencies; covers health, aid, apps and guidance
Department of Health
Provides daily updates, current facts and figures, travel advice, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander advice, and key contacts
FairWork Ombudsman
Keep up to date with changes to coronavirus-affected workplace laws
Australian Taxation Office
The ATO’s information includes support for NFPs
NFP newsroom | FAQs | Working from home
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (ACFA)
The finance watchdog with a remit to handle disputes is offering support and information to individuals, businesses and not-for-profits affected by the outbreak, including a support hotline
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
The ACNC's website hosts significant information about changes to charity operations in response to the virus outbreak
Compliance | ATO/ACNC webinar | annual info statement extension | financial issues
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) ScamWatch
The ACCC's ScamWatch has identified more than 1000 coronavirus-related scams, including those targeting superannuation, impersonations of police and other officials, online shopping, exploitation and more.
State and territories have taken different approaches to tackling the outbreak, with different restrictions and regulations, assistance for organisations and advice. Many state and territory agencies have produced information pages.
NSW | VIC | QLD + business | SA | WA + business | NT | ACT + arts | TAS
Accessing information
Provides information about COVID-19 in 51 languages
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
News in 63 languages
Deaf Australia
Coronavirus updates blog
Expression Australia (former Victorian Deaf Society)
Auslan video updates
Vision Australia
Virus news and assistance for the vision impaired
Northern Territory remote community advice
COVID-19 messages in indigenous local languages
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Released on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, AFCA has launched resources in languages other than English to make it easier for all communities to access financial dispute resolution. To improve accessibility, AFCA has also increased its translated resources from 14 languages to 20.
General health
World Health Organisation (WHO)Main virus info page | COVID-19 myth busting
Department of Health
Provides daily updates, current facts and figures, travel advice, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander advice, and key contacts
Heart Foundation
Information highlighting the vulnerability of people with heart disease to COVID-19.
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.
Mental health
Head to Health
Federal Government Department of Health trusted information and digital supports for mental health and wellbeing.
Lifeline Australia
Trained volunteer telephone counsellors available 24-hours-a-day. Phone 13 11 14.
Beyond Blue
An organisation promoting good mental health
Looking after your mental health during COVID-19
Black Dog Institute
Resources to battle anxiety and stress, and to promote wellbeing in a time of COVID-19
This Way Up
Mental health tools generated by a NFP backed by St Vincent’s Hospital and UNSW, and supported by the Federal Government
Open Parachute
Online school wellbeing programs for Australian students, parents and teachers.
Anti-violence and relationship support
Counselling and support for those affected by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
UN Women
UN brief highlighting emerging evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls
The Lookout
FAQs on COVID-19 and family violence from a family violence workers' resource site.
Carers Australia
Counselling, emotional and psychological support for carers and families.
Relationships Australia
Support services for individuals, families and communities.
Kids Helpline
Phone and online counselling service for young people. 1800 551 800
Mensline Australia
Support for men and boys to cope with relationship difficulties.
SANE Australia
Support for people living with complex mental health issues and their carers.
Toolkits, tips and resources
Community Council for Australia (CCA)
Leading the advocacy efforts for charities and not-for-profits during the virus crisis
News | Seven things the govt should do | Open letter to the PM | Charities ‘cabinet’
The Australian Council of Social Service continues to campaign against poverty and inequality as the community services sector's peak body, and has produced community-focused information about the coronavirus response. Member organisations are producing local responses.
ACT | NSW | QLD | WA | NT | SA | VIC | TAS
Justice Connect and Not-for-profit Law
Legal help for community organisations affected by the outbreak
Response page | employment issues | contract law | governance
Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)
Supports good governance across the business, government and not-for-profit spheres, and hosts this COVID-19 Resource Hub.
Volunteering Australia
The volunteering peak body's website hosts a COVID-19 response page. Member organisations in each state.
ACT | NSW | QLD | WA | NT | SA | VIC | TAS
VA Position paper 1: Volunteering and National Policy Settings
VA Position paper 2: Safeguarding Volunteers and Volunteer Involving Organisations
Centre for Social Impact
Fact sheets on key issues linked to COVID-19
Homelessness 1 | Homelessness 2 | Loneliness & Social Connection | Protecting People with Disability | Digital Inclusion | Community Services Responses
Community Hubs Australia
A gateway organisation aimed at migrant and refugee women, with a page of COVID-19 related resources
Response and recovery grants as part of the National Financial Capability Strategy led by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Recovery impact page of an organisation who connects brand-new surplus goods of businesses to charities and eligible schools
Philanthropic groups
Philanthropy Australia
Australia’s peak body for philanthropic organisations
Call to action | COVID-19 help page
The asset manager has outlined how it is helping here.
NFP assistance | Insights | 5 things philanthropists can do
Australian Communities Foundation
Resources include a COVID-19 national funding platform page that aims to link philanthropic funders to virus-related NFP funding needs
Selected state based organisations
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria
Neighbourhood houses updates and sector response documents with broad application
Local Community Services Association
SENVic Social Enterprise Network Victoria
Provides COVID-19 response updates
Comms for Change
Pandemic crisis communications toolkit
Fifty Acres Academy
Communication and engagement agency offering free webinars: Working remotely webinar | Low budget NFP PR campaign webinar 4 May | Crisis Communications webinar 6 May.
The Commons Social Change Library
How to talk about the pandemic in a constructive way
NFP technology resources and tips for the COVID-19 crisis, group includes Connecting Up, which hosts a resource blog targeting NFP tech
eSafety Commissioner
Helping Australian to have safer, more positive experiences online including tips for staying safe online during the COVID-19 pandemic
staying safe online | tips for online collaboration
Random Hacks of Kindness Australia
Describe your IT problem (e.g. “We need help sorting out our telework platform”), and RHoK will put you in touch with a “hacker” who can help.
Seer Data & Analytics
Data and community research provider; offering free access to its standard plan in 2020, including access to financial vulnerability maps
Our Community's Funding Centre resources
Giving Tuesday Now
Nonprofit Toolkit | Generosity Registry
Workplace Giving Australia
Resources and research page from NFP social enterprise driving workplace giving in Australia.
Imagine Canada
A highly recommended source of information for NFPs from an organisation dedicated to supporting charities, not-for-profits and social entrepreneurs
Building resilience | Google doc compilation of info, resources, guides for fundraisers
COVID-19 response page on funding and philanthropy from a US NFP support organisation comprising info, resources, tools and research
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
COVID-19 page from a US organisation dedicated to informed disaster giving
NCVO (UK) Peak organisation for voluntary groups
COVID-19 advice for charities and volunteer organisations
Search in your sector
Coronavirus information and support page
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
Open letter to the National Cabinet from a coalition of disability organisations
Call on all Australian Governments to take the following urgent actions to protect the lives of Australians with disability in the context of COVID19
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)
Information links and resources
Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)
Information links and resources
People with Disability Australia (PWDA)
COVID-19 Hub of Information, link and resources
Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH)
Recommendations for the disability and health sectors
Australian Institute of Sport
AIS Framework for rebooting sport | FAQ |
Australian Sports Foundation
News and information page helping community sport tackle COVID-19
Check also your local or regional council for available grants and subsidies
Government support information for the arts and culture sector by city, state or territory
NSW | VIC | Melbourne | QLD | SA | WA | NT | TAS | ACT
Australia Council for the Arts
Australia council response | 2020 Resilience Fund | Sector resources
Australian Government Office of the Arts
Arts Industry Support Package for regional arts
Support Act
Collated COVID-19 resources from crisis relief charity for music artists, crew and music workers.
See also Our Community's The Funding Centre information under Arts sector
Are we missing something?
This page is updated regularly. Please alert [email protected] to important links or resources we may be missing.