What changes can we make to the minutes of our meetings?
In this help sheet series, Our Community’s resident agony uncle, Chris Borthwick, offers answers to frequently asked questions about issues not-for-profits are facing.
Dear Agony Uncle,
What changes are participants at the meeting allowed to request before adoption of the minutes?
Agony Uncle's answer
Well, they can ask (politely, I hope) for anything they like. The secretary doesn't have to listen to them if there's a disagreement.
The secretary has complete control over the minutes until they come before the board for adoption, at which point the participants can move that the minutes be amended to conform better with whatever barrow they want to push. At that point the entire board votes, and after that the minutes are a true and correct record of the meeting even if they include unicorns and flying pigs.
Best wishes,
Agony Uncle.
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