How’s your digital fitness?
Date: 09 Nov 2021

The not-for-profit sector is incredibly diverse, and so are its digital capabilities. Most organisations founded since 2000 were born digital, while older ones have had to make greater adaptations over time.
No matter when and how your organisation started – and no matter whether your staff are Boomers or Gen X, Y, or Zers – digital fitness is an ongoing process. ICDA’s recent COVID-19 Community Sector Impact Survey found 64% of Australian not-for-profits planned further investment in digital technology this year.
Getting digitally fit doesn’t require new staff, expensive contractors or fancy software, but it does require attention from your whole team.
For any organisation thinking about digital transformation, the process will throw up some important questions:
- Do we have to do this?
- How do we start?
- Where should we be focusing our energy to get the biggest payoff?
Join Clare Carmody, success manager at, and Denis Moriarty, group managing director at Our Community, for a 20-minute discovery chat that will introduce you to the eight domains of digital maturity. Following the session, all participants will receive access to free resources so you can work out where you are already digitally fit and where you need to focus your efforts.
This introductory session will lay the foundations for further digital training by and Our Community. Don’t miss out!
Date: Tuesday 9 November, 2021
Time: 3:30pm-4:00pm AEDT
Cost: Free!