Not-for-Profit Insurance Week

Date: 24 - 28 Mar 2025

Not-for-Profit Insurance Week, an initiative of Aon and Our Community, is designed to raise awareness of the importance of insurance and risk management in Australia's $100 billion not-for-profit sector.

The aim of this event, held 24-28 March 2025, is to provide advice, products and support for the staff and board members tasked with overseeing the insurance and risk management of Australia's community groups.

Activities during Not-for-Profit Insurance Week will centre around:

  • An information packed series of free webinars, where you can have your questions answered
  • The release of new insurance products, advice and support for not-for-profit organisations

Each day during Not-for-Profit Insurance Week we will be releasing more valuable information and materials. Make sure you keep coming back to get it all.

Also, don't miss your opportunity to win up to $25,000 for your not-for-profit organisation! Just fill in this form during Not-for-Profit Insurance Week to get a free insurance quote and you will go into the draw. Competition terms and conditions apply.

Not-for-Profit Insurance Week Program

The full program will be released in January 2025.

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