Adding your Women Leading Locally certification to your LinkedIn profile

Congratulations! You've successfully completed your Women Leading Locally training.

If you're here, it means you're now ready to upload your new certificate to your LinkedIn profile.

We've put together this page to outline the steps you will need to take to do this.

Step 1: Log into LinkedIn, head to your profile and add a profile section

Step2 Your profile

Log in to LinkedIn and head over to your profile. When you have arrived, click add profile section, as seen in the screenshot to the left.

Step 2: Click add licences & certifications

Step3 Add Licence

Once you have clicked the button to add a profile section, you will see something that looks like the screenshot to the left. Make sure you have clicked out of "Core" and intro "Recommended" where you will find an option to "add licences & certifications". Click this button.

Step 3: Add your certification

Step3 Linked In Certificate

LinkedIn will now open to a page where you can add your new certificate.

Fill in this page with the following information:

Name: Community Leader Fellowship or Certificate in Community Leadership & Governance (Local Government)
Issuing organisation:
Institute of Community Directors Australia
Issue date: Date of issue
Expiration date: Leave blank
Credential ID: Leave blank
Credential URL: Leave blank

Once this is filled out, click Save.

If you have attained two certificates, this step will need to be repeated.

Step 4: Your license or certification has been updated

Step4 Linked In Certificate

At this point your license or certification is updated. Continue to follow the prompts to share the news with your network.

Step 5: Share with your network

WLL Fellowship Linked In

LinkedIn will auto-generate a post for you. Feel free to edit this as you see fit.

Step 6: View your new certificate


Your new certificate is now visible on your LinkedIn profile. Click on your profile and scroll down the page until you see "Licenses & certifications". This will now appear like the image to the left.

Repeat the same steps for your second certificate (if applicable).

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