Get on a Board (Even better - Become the Chair) - Advancing Diversity & Women in Australia
ISBN: 9781876976424
Total pages: 116
$36.00 inc. GST
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Sadly, Australia's not the enlightened country it could be and should be when it comes to leadership diversity - there's a dearth of women on the boards of our corporate, government and not-for-profit boards (and even fewer chairs).
Get on a Board is designed to inspire and empower more women to take the leap into the board arena. There are many insights for men as well, as well as for boards wanting to make their structures more welcoming to women.Get on a Board takes you on a journey through the board lifecycle, from first consideration of such a role, through finding the right board, getting the gig, honing your performance and, finally, moving on.
What's inside?
- Why this book?
- More of the AWFUL truth
- How we shape up on the world stage
- Why should we care?
- There's a lot to celebrate 12
- A note on nomenclature 13
- Who's this book for?
- Board Lifecycle - a Typical Journey
- Your commitment
- Your liabilities
- Your responsibilities
- What can being on a board do for you?
- What do you have to offer?
- The good, the bad and the ugly
- Skills and experience required
- Making the decision
- Matching your passions
- Going beyond 'sexy'
- Conflict of interest considerations
- Doing your homework
- Ask before you agree
- How do I get on a board?
- Finding out what's out there
- Crafting a Board CV
- Cultivating contacts
- Impressing at the interview
- Top tips for getting the gig
- Reasons women are excluded from boards
- They said it: real comments by real boofheads
- Liabilities, responsibilities, duties
- Administrative duties
- Governance duties
- Legal duties
- What's the risk?
- Making a real contribution
- What is a Chair?
- Responsibilities of the Chair
- Put your hand up!
- Making use of power
- Supporting other women (PLEASE!)
- Knowing when it's time to move on
- Leaving with grace
- What if something dodgy's afoot?
- Giving back as you step off
- How to crack a commercial board
- Reality check: likelihood of success
- There's more to life than money (don't forget the community sector!)