Artificial Intelligence and the Community Sector
ISBN: 978-1-876976-72-9
Total pages: 40
$36.00 inc. GST
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly changing the way we work and the community sector is no exception. In order to thrive, community groups must understand how to harness the power of AI and how to apply safety rails to protect their most vulnerable.
What's inside?
1. Introduction
- What is artificial intelligence?
- What is generative AI?
- AI and ethical not-for-profit leadership
2. How not-for-profits can benefit from AI
- Marketing, content creation and design
- Communication
- Writing style
- Data analysis
- Productivity
- Transcription
- Project management and planning
- Staff or volunteer onboarding workflow
- Fundraising and donor management
- Operational efficiency and service delivery
- Program evaluation
- How to get the most out of language models
- Confidentiality risks
- Veracity risks
- Quality risks
- Regulation risks
- Protecting intellectual property
- Intellectual property violations
- Stereotyping
- Misinformation and disinformation
- Learning from the mistakes of others
- Robodebt: a cautionary tale
- Why ethics in AI are so important for not-for-profits
- Transparency
- Policies and practices
5. Societal impact of widespread AI use
6. Economic effects of AI on not-for-profits
7. AI and governance
- Developing an AI governance framework: 10 principles to consider
8. Conclusion
9. Appendices
- Appendix 1: Template: Artificial intelligence governance framework
- Appendix 2: Template: Policy for use of generative artificial intelligence