CEO annual review template

The board needs to regularly review the performance of their CEO to ensure that they are meeting expectations and steering the organisation in the right direction.

The board, in partnership with the CEO, should decide the process, time and form of the CEO's performance reviews. Reviews must be based on the CEO's job description and the objectives that should have been included in with it.

Our CEO annual review template is available for organisations looking to undertake a review, but unsure about what questions should be asked.

This document is concerned only with the CEO’s formal annual performance review. However, the annual review should not be the only time the CEO receives feedback from the board. Effective board–CEO relationships are based on regular, ongoing, frank, constructive communication and feedback throughout the year.

Click the button below to download a copy of the CEO annual review template.

The board and CEO relationship

The most healthy board/CEO relationships occur when both parties work closely together with a common aim of furthering the organisation's goals and broadening its financial and membership support base.

While the board and the CEO are on the same team, they do not have the same roles. The board's job is to govern, the CEO's is to manage. It is important not to confuse the two.

Visit our help sheet on the CEO and board relationship to discover who owns which roles and responsibilities.

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