Learning and Development
Learning and Development About 6 weeks after an employee has commenced employment (and then…
Learning and Development About 6 weeks after an employee has commenced employment (and then…
As an employer you may need to restructure your business. Any restructure may result in certain…
Members Only
Not-for-profit and community boards should be at the forefront of any action or initiatives…
If you pay close attention to board appointments you are half way to having a healthy, vital board.…
A board meeting isn't a family dinner, predicated on the idea that everyone should get along,…
Ensuring a person-centred approach to investigating complaints which helps your staff, volunteers…
If things go wrong in a human resources context with staff or volunteers, it is helpful to document…
Prior to sending a formal warning letter, you will be having a meeting with the staff or volunteer…
An Investigation Terms of Reference form identifies who is involved in the investigation, what…
Organisations need to address their position on stamping out bullying in a policy so that when it…
Having a code of conduct in place ensures that those who represent your organisation have a set of…
Charities and other not-for-profits should provide a safe and effective service to those who wish…
Information management systems rely on any necessary restrictions on the free circulation of…
Full-time and part-time employees at your organisation will accrue long service leave entitlements…
This policy sets out the policy and process for dealing with unsatisfactory performance of…
Your organisation may need to discipline an employee who engages in unacceptable behaviour. The…
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is followed for conducting…
This policy sets out your organisation's employees' entitlement to personal/carer's leave and…
Professional development is integral to personal job satisfaction, workplace productivity, reward,…
Members Only
The unfortunate reality of operating a business or organisation is that positions may become…
This policy sets out employees' entitlements where their employment ends by reason of resignation…